var rangeslider = document.getElementById("sliderRange"); var output = document.getElementById("demo"); output.innerHTML = rangeslider.value; rangeslider.oninput = function() { output.innerHTML = this.value; }

Bill Pay

Welcome to the automated bill payment system, secured and operated by CDS Global for Mountain Valley. You may view and pay your bill using a bank account (checking/savings), VISA, MasterCard or Discover.

The information you submit on this site is secure and will be kept confidential. All communications between you and CDS Global are encrypted using Secure Sockets technology and strong security procedures are maintained and monitored in our processing center. We safeguard any personal information you may supply and do not share it.

Click the button below to access your account

New Online Payments User? Please click here!

Please read – instructions for making online payments

To register, use your 10 digit ACCOUNT NUMBER and then enter your “Secret Code” using the numerals 470 along with the last four digits of your service number in the bill sample (example: 4700102).

Then continue the registration process. If you have any questions, or would like assistance in setting this up, please contact our office.
